Friday, October 29, 2010

We now resume our regularly scheduled Blog

Crap. Double Crap. Took the tractor apart, re-aligned what looked mis-aligned, put it back together, and...
it only goes backwards. So now it sits until I feel like trying it again, or I buy another transaxle. Or junk it.
On with other stuff.

Since the tractor was broke, I had to move the logs by hand to finish the border for the garden. Didn't come out too bad, and thankfully I had all of the logs I needed already pulled down from the gas well road when the tractor decided it had enough. And of course the kids like playing on it.
So now I'm waiting for some compost. I've got a promise of some well-rotted manure and hay, and there is cardboard available in town. Sure wish I knew someone with a supply of newspaper...

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